i credit my unshakable faith of hope.
a hope in tomorrow and hard work.
hard work and perseverance.
penny by penny.
day by day.
it's absolutely shameful how money can make life easier.
some don't know a hard days work.
maybe they never will.
i both pity, and envy them.
to have abundance at my fingertips seems a simple enough solution.
on the other hand, life experience is incalculable.
the silver in my pocket never goes very far, but i'm one of the lucky ones.
i have a roof over my head, and shoes on my feet.
these feet have taken me to a crossroads.
one road is a familiar path, the restaurant business.
the other is new, and uncertain, photography.
i'm ready to gamble on this new route.
of which if things go well, could prove extremely fruitful and prosperous.
i'm trekking into an extremely competitive field.
the world is full of those with fancy equipment and technical know how.
I've found that though many may have the tools, they lack the creative mind.
this, ladies and gentlemen, is wherein my gamble lies.
so i have to mind to not only outsmart, but outperform these others?
do i have the eye to catch new angles, see new ideas, and pioneer a style my very own?
can i beat them at a game they've been playing much longer than me?
i've been counting every dime and nickel i can find.
desperately trying to put myself in a better position to support myself and those i love.
harder still, is finding the confidence who is constantly flirting with arrogance and telling the lovers apart.
i can be better.
i will be better.
i am better.
i'm petrified that failure has already signed my contract.
i tremble knowing that i may throw effort after foolishness and end up in a deeper hole than the one i stand in now.
but i won't stop.
i am determined to master this gift and shape it into something different and beautiful.
keep my struggle inside of you, and root for me.
i need all the help i can get.
watch the birdie.
-christopher michael
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