what's times problem?
....i have never met a more indecisive, and inconsistent thing in my life. when you want time, you don't have it, and when time is the last thing you need, you have months of it.
I'd like to think that time knows exactly what it is doing. he has been around the block before and he knows whats up, but sometimes i wonder.
I'd like to think that time knows exactly what it is doing. he has been around the block before and he knows whats up, but sometimes i wonder.
seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years....moments.
i have had 23 years of time.23 years to learn and grow.
...and yet, i know so little. Not only about how to live my life, our how to solve a complicated set of algebra problems(which i currently could not), but about myself. I have no idea who lives inside of me, but i see him everyday.
He lives for hot blueberry muffins, and a nice big glass of cold water on a hot day. He cries more than a man should. He hates hypocrites, and self righteous ignorance. His guilty pleasures include warm skin and soft lips. One of his greatest frustrations is the opposite sex, and is done trying to understand them, and just trying to co-exist with them.
He has made some mistakes. Some things, he wishes so badly he could take back. Just to go back in time and try to do things right.
As much as he wants this, doing so would only make things worse. His mistakes and failures have shaped him into the man he is today. What would he be without a past? You learn nothing from success, failure teaches you better than any lucky break ever could.
At times he wishes he could erase people from his past and paste in new faces. Dissolve his memories and post new ones.
start from scratch.
...but again. the people he has met have only been for good...as hard as it sometimes can be, he knows they have come into his life for a reason, and left an eternal footprint on his life's path, however big or small.
I have had the privilege of meeting people in this life, distinctly placed in my path for a reason, some not yet known to me, but a select few;
A, you taught me patience, and tolerance. The importance of persistence and communication. Saying how you feel, not writing it. You taught me how to see.
M, you taught me, that beauty and the very breath of life is all around, just spread your wings and let nothing stop you from flying. You taught me how fun haunted things can be. You gave me hope.
L, you taught me priorities, and the importance of getting them in line and being aware of where you stand. You also taught me how it feels to let someone you know you loved, walk away. You showed me what life could be.
H, you taught me that people can be really good looking but also kind and giving. The importance of functional grammar, and the proper use of it. When to clap at a concert, and how deeply music can run in a family. You left me star gazing.
The time shared with these wonderful people will be held close to my heart forever. Some of my life's most valuable lessons are from these individuals. I do not regret a moment. Thank you all.
Time isn't a bad guy out to get you and ruin your life. He is a friend and ally in this crazy world. Sometimes he is on your side, and sometimes when you need him most, he is nowhere to be found.
The clock sings it's tick tock song and every doubt and fear reveals itself. I truly do believe that time heals all things, but only on one condition.
Me and you.
We have to let the scars of our past heal, and stop holding onto careless words. Something that someone said to you 4 years ago should not be placed in our pocket, and pulled out for a later debate.
Easier said than done.
advice is so easy to give, yet SO hard to incorporate, and blend into our busy lives. Difficult to remember when times are tough and advice is the last thing you want, especially coming from a silly dreamer.
i once knew a man who worked at a watch factory,
one day i asked him what exactly he did,
he simply replied,
"not much, i just sit and make faces all day."
Thank you time. I'm going to try and use you a little more wisely...
tick tock.
tick tock.
Time flies,
Christopher Michael